
Friday, July 06, 2012

The Lord's Supper or the Lord's Snack

What was the Lord's Supper in the early church could better be described as the Lord's Snack in today's church. A lady whose institutional church observes communion every Sunday morning recently shared with me that her four year old granddaughter was sitting with her in church and asked, "When are we having snack?"

The Lord's supper, also known as communion, has changed dramatically from that of the early church. In the early church the Lord's Supper was a festive meal shared together. Instead of a solemn mood, this meal was one of celebration and joy. It was essentially a Christian banquet. On top of that, there was no clergyman to officiate it. Can you believe that?

That's a far cry from the way we observe the Lord's supper in our day. Instead of a meal its more of a snack - a thimble of grape juice and a piece of cracker. Today the Lord's Supper is observed in a somber atmosphere. We are told to remember the horrors of Jesus' death and to reflect on our sins. Today many would not consider taking Communion without a minister present. Read more
Are Anglicans any better with their sip of wine and wafer of white paste?

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