
Friday, July 20, 2012

'Love Jihad' - Radical Islam's Sordid Attack on Christian and Hindu Women

A disturbing action known as "love jihad" is gaining notoriety after several reports have emerged of young impressionable women being seduced by Muslim men who wish to manipulate them and use them in an effort to aid their jihad.

Troves of diplomatic cables were disclosed to the public after the WikiLeaks incident, and one of the cables revealed how foreign officials were monitoring what they referred to as "love jihad" -- an alleged conspiracy of foreign-funded "charming" Muslim men attempting to seduce, marry and convert Hindu and Christian women to be used in the jihadi effort.

One such correspondence from U.S. diplomats stated in their report from the Chennai consulate in India: "Both Hindu and Christian groups have expressed fear and outrage at the 'plot,' while Muslim groups have felt the need to defend their co-religionists against the conspiracy theorists."

The cable continued to explain that the "controversial phenomena of 'love jihad' had been responsible for exacerbating "religious tensions" in southern India. Read more

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