
Monday, July 23, 2012

Myrtle Beach priest now leader of 1.5 million member Orthodox Anglican Communion

Creighton Jones first felt the call to enter the priesthood in the 1980s, but he didn’t think the time was right.

Today, 10 years after receiving his seminary training, the Myrtle Beach priest is overseeing a worldwide congregation 1.5 million members strong.

On Saturday, he was the Rev. Canon Creighton Jones of Myrtle Beach’s Good Shepherd Anglican Church. Following a two-plus hour consecration ceremony – attended by bishops from Ghana and India as well as 80 parishioners – he was rechristened as the presiding bishop of the Orthodox Anglican Church in the U.S., and the archbishop of the worldwide Orthodox Anglican Communion. Read more


  1. Another anglo-catholic organization that has split for the more low church Anglican Orthodox Church. Anglo-catholicism was founded in deceit and continues to spawn deceit in its off spirings.

  2. Joe,

    I presume that you mean the Anglo-Catholic Orthodox Anglican Church (OAC) split FROM the more low church Anglican Orthodox Church (AOC). Other readers may not be as well informed about the history of the OAC as you are. I have briefly summarized its history below.

    The formation of the AOC predates the Catholic Revivalist-dominated Continuing Anglican Movement in the late 1970s. Bishop James Parker Dees who founded the AOC in 1964 was highly critical of the Affirmation of St. Louis and Continuing Anglicanism. The OAC broke with the AOC in 1999 over its low church principles and aligned itself with the Continuing Anglican Movement.

    I recommend Douglas Bess' Divided We Stand: A History of the Continuing Anglican Movement for a history of the breakaway Anglican churches that predated the Anglican Mission in the America and the Anglican Church in North America.

  3. Robin,

    The AOC claims to have "apostolic orders." This makes them the prey of anglo-catholics who covet these orders. Though the doctrine of the AOC is quite clear, 39 Articles of Religion," this does not stop anglo-catholics who reject this Anglican statement of belief from signing that they do believe it and then obtaining episcopal order, depart post haste from the AOC. Apparently, this has happened with the TPEC as well with the formatioin of the new "PECUSA." The TPEC was warned about letting anglo-catholics among its ministry. It is all lamentable. We need to pray for the AOC and the TPEC.
