
Saturday, July 07, 2012

Presbyterian Church USA Rejects Same-Sex Definition of Marriage by Narrow Vote

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted to keep its current definition of marriage "between a woman and a man" by narrowly defeating a proposal to change the wording to "between two people" at its 220th General Assembly Friday evening.

The proposal by same-sex marriage proponents would have also changed the definition of marriage from being a "civil contract" to a "covenant" that "according to the laws of the state also constitutes a civil contract."

Nearly four hours of debate preceded the 338-308 vote. While in prayer after the vote, General Assembly Moderator Neal Presa said, "Some of us weep while some of us rejoice. We are a divided church."

The PC(USA)'s Civil Union and Marriage Issues Committee had voted 28-24 in favor of the change on Thursday. Read more

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