
Saturday, July 07, 2012

The Road to Missional

A review of The Road to Missional, Michael Frost

Australian theologian Michael Frost has become an internationally-renowned commentator on the missional church, a concept of church which is focused on being sent out rather than attracting in. In the latest book he summarises some of the global developments, and looks at how the concept can be applied through the local church.

Actually, Frost spends two chapters defining what missional is, and quotes Thomas Torrance’s idea of mission as expressing the reality that: “In Jesus Christ the new order of the Kingdom of God’s love has intersected with the old order of the existence of the world, with a view to redeeming it and liberating it from the forces of disorder and darkness entrenched in it and renewing the whole created order.”

This is a much broader idea of what it means to be missional. Frost then goes on to helpfully summarise Bosch’s common historical positions of what it means to be missional.... Read more

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