
Friday, July 27, 2012

Tim Keller on How to Provide a Rational Justification for the Christian Faith

New York City pastor Tim Keller says Christians should be able to present rational arguments for their faith, noting that the "just believe" statement isn't going to cut it, especially today.

In a two-part blog post, the latest of which was published Tuesday, Keller stated, "Believing has both a head and a heart aspect, so while some non-Christians will need more help with one than the other, we can't ignore either one."

The Redeemer Presbyterian Church pastor was making the case for apologetics, or what apologist William Lane Craig defines as the branch of Christian theology which seeks to provide a rational justification for the truth claims of the Christian faith.

What apologetics aims to do is answer the "why" question, said Keller, who has seen many skeptics brought into a Christian community but still left asking "why should I believe you and not an atheist or a Muslim?"

Keller emphasized that rather than just presenting a case for Christianity, a "gospel-shaped apologetic" must "challenge the non-believer's worldview and show where it, and they, have a real problem."

"I try to show that it takes faith to doubt Christianity, because any worldview (including secularism or skepticism) is based on assumptions," he wrote. Read more

Read also:
How the Gospel Changes our Apologetics, Part 1
How the Gospel Changes our Apologetics, Part 2

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