
Saturday, August 04, 2012

2,000+ attend NAMB's 'Send' church planting conference

More than 2,000 church planters, pastors and other Southern Baptist leaders -- triple the number originally predicted -- attended the North American Mission Board's Send North America Conference at First Baptist Church in Woodstock, Ga.

"It's a brand new day for the North American Mission Board," NAMB President Kevin Ezell said as he welcomed the attendees. "Our national strategy is Send North America, which is not only about church planting but also evangelism and church revitalization."

A key intent of the conference was to help mobilize churches to the North American mission field so they can have a more personal connection to and involvement with church planters. Those attending included more than 300 pastors and more than 600 church planters.

NAMB originally planned for 800 at the July 30-31 event, but registration eventually topped 2,200. The meeting drew attendees from all 50 states, Canada, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Read more

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