
Thursday, August 09, 2012

Asia and Europe see rise in atheism

A recent poll that surveyed over 51,000 people across 57 countries reveals that atheism is on the rise globally by almost 10 per cent, with several Asian and European nations experiencing the most growth. Most of the world's population, however, still considers itself religious.

People were asked one question: "Irrespective of whether you attend a place of worship or not, would you say you are a religious person, not a religious person or a convinced atheist?" – and according to the RedC Opinion Poll, 13 per cent of all respondents said they are convinced atheists. Although that number is still smaller than the 59 per cent of religious and 23 per cent of non-religious people, it is close to 9 per cent higher than the previous survey in 2005.

"There is a notable decline across the globe in self-description of being religious," a press release on the poll noted. Read more

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