
Friday, August 03, 2012

Are You Blocking God From Converting You?

Anyone can be converted to Christianity....even you. If you have already been converted through faith in Christ, then you are thankful for it. That spirit of thankfulness is part of the proof that you have truly been converted. If you have not yet been converted, you have no idea how you will look at things after your conversion. You have not been there yet....all you have are preconceived ideas of what it must be like....and most of them are probably wrong.

So here is the issue my friend....are you open to having God convert your soul? Are you open to believing what millions of people have believed over the past 2000 years as they have been converted to Christianity? Many people have a closed mind when it comes to Christ.

Rather than being free thinkers, they have locked themselves within their own box of personal beliefs about God. Their beliefs are wrong. That is a big reason they are not yet converted. They assume they are right....or at least that Christianity is wrong. That is the same thing as believing that Jesus was wrong. You will never be converted by believing that Jesus was wrong. Read more
Dan Dilzell is the pastor of Wellspring Lutheran Church in Papillion, Nebraska. He is a regular contributor to The Christian Post.

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