
Friday, August 10, 2012

Battles for the Mind

Wherever we turn, we encounter battles for the mind of one sort or another. The role of the Christian church in our country is in many respects a battle for the mind, as many influential and seductive voices seek to win our nation over to a creed which applauds the marginalisation of Christianity and pursues the dismissal or suppression of biblical truth and values in both the public and the private sphere.

Within the church too, battles for the mind are waged on numerous fronts and recent pronouncements from different quarters of the Anglican church have highlighted the current battle for the mind of the church in relation to the nature and purpose of marriage.

As individuals, we face a daily battle to safeguard our own minds as the world, the flesh and the Devil seek to entice us away from walking with Christ in humble dependence on Him alone. Read more

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