
Friday, August 17, 2012

Canada's Largest Protestant Church Elects Openly Gay Leader

Canada’s largest Protestant church elected its first openly gay moderator at its 41st General Council on Thursday.

After nearly eight hours of voting, the 350 members of the United Church of Canada selected Gary Paterson from a pool of 15 nominees, including three other openly gay candidates. When Paterson begins his three-year term as moderator on Aug. 18, he will become the first openly gay leader of a Christian denomination.

“Among mainline denominations, as far as I know this is probably a first,” Paterson told council members following the final vote. Read more

Read also:
Vancouver reverend elected United Church of Canada's first openly gay moderator
National Post Editorial Board: The United Church should focus on faith, not activism
With financial crisis looming, United Church rethinks its future
The collapse of the liberal church

1 comment:

  1. Supreme patriarch: Christ. Let not hetero-sexism fall to the feminism, social liberation theology, nor homo-sexuality of Papists' and their sympathizers; whom want to corrupt by letter -- what is already corrupt in spirit -- in their proper physicality.
