
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Enrichment Journal: Smaller Churches Can Do it Better – How To Take Advantage of Your Size

On nearly all relevant quality factors, larger churches compare disfavorably with smaller ones."1 Christian Schwarz came to this startling conclusion after the most comprehensive study of church growth ever conducted, covering over 1,000 churches on 6 continents. The research and observations of others, along with my experience, confirm its validity.

In spite of fewer people, staff, facilities, resources, and programs, the average small church produces:

  • better fellowship.
  • better pastoral care.
  • better discipleship.
  • more involvement in ministry.
  • more persons called into Christian service.
  • more spiritual harvest.

Not all smaller churches (99 or less in attendance) are doing well. Many are discouraged, struggling, or declining. Some are located in communities with diminishing population, while others are ingrown and complacent. Many pastors are tempted to quit if they could find other means to support their families. How can pastors of smaller churches deal with these realities and take advantage of their size?

My purpose in this article is to encourage the pastors of smaller churches by showing them how their size can help rather than hinder effectiveness in ministry. Read more

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