
Friday, August 24, 2012

How to Be a Spirit-Filled Christian

So you got saved. Welcome to the family. But now what? Before you are tempted to go out and try to imitate other Christians who are living a good life, I have a better idea for you to consider. Forget "imitation." Think "impartation." Think filling. Think fullness.

The key to your salvation is the blood of Jesus. The key to your abundant life of discipleship is the power and the filling of the Holy Spirit. The blood washes away the sins of those who trust Christ to do it. The power of God fills the believers who daily long for and receive an impartation of power from on high. He already lives inside of you as a believer. (1 Cor. 6:19) But now He wants more of that you can live everyday filled with His love and holy affections.

"But I thought I had to have the gift of speaking in tongues to be filled with the Spirit." Who taught you that? Do you realize that there have been many believers over the centuries who have been filled with the Holy Spirit, and yet have not claimed to have the gift of tongues? If the Holy Spirit decides to give you that particular gift, receive it and use it wisely. But you don't need to ever confuse the gifts of the Spirit with the fullness of the Spirit. Read more
Dan Dilzell is the pastor of Wellspring Lutheran Church in Papillion, Nebraska. He is a regular contributor to The Christian Post.

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