
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Leadership in the Garden: Getting Proactive

Recently I started posting a short series on leadership lessons that I learn from my garden. While I would love to say that my intention was to unpack the great mysteries of leadership that only gardening can reveal, I have to be honest and say that a big part of this is an attempt to show off my ability to grow wonderful vegetables, and hopefully a watermelon.

While I was all set to bust out amazing pictures that demonstrate how wonderfully my garden is coming along, I was devastated to see one of my broccoli plants looking a little less than spectacular.

As I started to poke around the garden and explore some more of my plants, I made some disturbing discoveries: caterpillars, leaf miners, and cabbage loopers seemed to have been having a grand old time in my garden. It was at this point that I had two choices:

  • Ignore the Issue. After all, the damage was minor, limited to one broccoli plant.
  • Get Proactive. Take care of the problem before it spreads.

I ultimately stormed off to our local garden center to purchase a container of garden dust that promised to kill off the evil forces that were wanting to consume my garden… I’ll let you know how that works out.

Having spent the last few days walking through the bug infestation of 2012, I can’t help but take away three lessons that apply to my leadership.... Read more

Photo: Jon Walker

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