
Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Standing with the Sikh Community Today

This morning, we saw horrible violence at a Sikh Gurdwara. Several have died and all the details are not clear at this point. However, we know a terrible act of violence has been perpetrated against the Sikh community.

Christians stand with and pray for the Sikh community today. As Christians, we stand up for freedom of religion and against violence– against the evil present in such horrible acts.

I’ve written about defending freedom of religion and how to relate to people of other faiths– you can read more here.

Today, we should all be grieved and we stand with the Sikhs. Read more

Read also:
Sikh Temple Shooting: What Is a Sikh?

1 comment:

  1. Robin,
    Your's was the only blog on the StandFirm blog page with any article about this atrocity. The silence othe others speaks volumes.
