
Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Small Church Shepherd: Dealing with Change

The story is told of an old man who lived in a dilapidated house that was no longer fit to live in. The roof leaked, the plumbing was rusted and the foundation was rotted. Finally the plight of the old man was brought to the attention of authorities who then stepped in to help this individual. They build a brand new house with all the modern conveniences. The house, while small, was more than sufficient for the needs of the man. The day finally arrived when the house was finished and the old man could move in. To the surprise of those involved the man refused to moved. The fear of change prevented him from moving, even though the move would have been for his benefit.

In some ways the small church is often like the old man. The fear of change is greater than the crisis that they are facing in ministry. Change for the small church is often difficult, feared and resisted because it involves a break with the past and the uncertainty of the future. Read more

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