
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Spirit World Influences Every Human Being

Every human being is influenced by spirits from a different world. Even those people who don't believe in spiritual beings are nevertheless under their control. The reality of the spirit world is not based on human reason. It is based on fact. It is what it is. The fact that it is invisible to the human eye does not make it any less real.

Many people find some measure of satisfaction in denying the existence of spirits, especially here in the Western world. They do this either because it frightens them….or because they don't understand any of it….and they just simply refuse to believe in a world which cannot be proven to them scientifically.

Instead, they basically make science their religion. They stake their eternity on their scientific understanding. That even goes for those who doubt the reality of the immortality of the soul. They think they are right....or at least they hope they are right. They certainly hope there isn't a "bad eternity" for those such as themselves who are not Christians. They don't know it for a fact, but they are "wishing" that it will play out according to their personal opinions.

The Christian worldview has a message for those who reject the idea of a spirit world: "Your stubborn refusal to accept this teaching is in part the result of those spiritual forces which influence your thinking." It's true. Those forces really do exist. They even have a blindfold over your spiritual eyes. "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers." (2 Cor. 4:4) Try to picture that one.

Satan is the leader of the rebel forces. You may not believe in these forces, but they believe in you….they surround you….they in essence "control you." "Wait a minute," you say. "No one controls me. If anything, science controls my thought process."

OK. You think that you are scientific, but not spiritual. That's a natural and expected response. Who wouldn't think the same way….unless of course you came under the influence of God in the spirit world. The Scriptures explain it this way: "We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one." (1 John 5:19) The "evil one" is a reference to the devil. Read more
Dan Dilzell is the pastor of Wellspring Lutheran Church in Papillion, Nebraska. He is a regular contributor to The Christian Post.

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