
Monday, August 06, 2012

Theological Theology: Sydney Anglicans VII: The value of theological education

Without a doubt the single most important resource God has given to the diocese of Sydney is Moore Theological College. Opening in 1856, thanks to a marvellously generous bequest by Thomas Moore, an early settler in Sydney, it has provided theological education for the vast bulk of Sydney’s clergy over the last one hundred and fifty-six years.

Today Moore College is known the world over as a leading centre of evangelical reformed theology and as a place where men and women are equipped to exercise gospel ministry with confidence in the truth, authority and relevance of the Bible. It is also integral to the life of the diocese. It is no coincidence that often when the diocese is spoken about, it is immediately associated with the College. The diocese has guarded and resourced the College since its foundation. Conversely, the College has served the diocese and is largely responsible for its current theological complexion. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that you will not understand the Diocese of Sydney unless you've understood its theological college. Read more

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