
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Back articles of Church Society's quarterly journal Churchman digitized for the web

Church Society are pleased to report that Rob Bradshaw, Director of "Theology on the Web", has recently digitised and uploaded to the internet, most back articles of Churchman (est 1879), dating from the 1920s. In total Rob has uploaded 3,531 individual Churchman articles to his Biblical Studies website, for which the Council of Church Society express their deep gratitude.

Click here to view the Churchman page on Rob's Biblical Studies website. It is hoped in due course that these files will also be made available on the Churchman website.

Rob Bradshaw comments:

"Due to the growing demand, particularly from Bible Colleges and teachers in the Majority World for this kind of material it was a great encouragement to be asked to digitise and make available on-line the back-issues of (The) Churchman. This not only represents the largest single collection yet made available by Theology on the Web, but also one of the most valuable, both in terms of the diversity of subjects covered and the expertise of the individual contributors. The scanned articles will be available both on the Church Society website and on More of the older articles will be added as copies of the rarer issues become available for scanning.

Since 2001 "Theology on the Web" has sought to make high quality theological articles freely available via the Internet. Working in partnership with authors and publishers these websites now host over 15,000 articles from over 60 theological journals, many of which can be accessed on-line nowhere else and are difficult to obtain in print, even in the UK."

Lee Gatiss, Director-Elect of Church Society, adds:

"Churchman has been around since 1879, and the back catalog contains a huge wealth of articles on an amazingly diverse number of topics by an array of evangelical academics, ministers, and writers. Thanks to Rob Bradshaw's digitisation project, these articles will now be available for scholars and general readers in an easy to access format for many years to come. Churchman has served evangelicals very well for a century and a half (and by God's grace continues to do so), and Rob has done us all a service by helping to make it more readily available."

Source: EVnews
Churchman is an international Anglican theological journal produced quarterly by Church Society. The journal was first published in 1879 and since that time it has established its place as essential reading for Christians who wish to gain a Biblical perspective on a range of matters. Leading writers deal with current issues, historical themes, and the Evangelical doctrine in which we believe.

Churchman is unique in being an Anglican journal with a consistently high standard of scholarship that is not aimed at academics alone. It deals with topics that need to be clarified in the light of the Bible, the Thirty-nine Articles and the Canons of the Church of England. Each issue also contains a substantial number of book reviews.

EVnews is a service provided by Church Society.

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