
Monday, September 03, 2012

Cleric arrested on suspicion of planting Koran pages

The Muslim cleric who accused a young Christian girl of blasphemy has been arrested by Pakistani authorities on suspicion of planting evidence against her.

Rimsha Masih's family say she is 11-years-old and has Down's Syndrome. She has been held in police custody for the past two weeks after being accused of blasphemy.

Muslim neighbours accused Rimsha of burning pages of the Koran.

The accusation caused hundreds of Christians in her home town of Mehrabad to flee.

Muslim cleric Khalid Chishti, who led the blasphemy charge against Rimsha, was reportedly arrested by police after people in Mehrabad came forward to say that he had torn pages from a Koran and placed them in Rimsha's bag, which was carrying burned papers.

He made a brief appearance in court on Sunday and is being held in police custody. Read more

Read also:
Pakistan imam held in blasphemy girl case
Muslim Cleric Framed Christian Girl in Pakistan's Blasphemy Case, Police Say

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