
Saturday, September 08, 2012

Elizabeth Lord, Wycliffe Bible Translator, needs your support

Getting closer and closer!!

After an amazing summer where I learned so much not only in my linguistics classes but also from the people God put in my life, I am back in Kentucky. I got even more excited about being a part of the ministry of Wycliffe and the work that is being done around the world, in particular Papua New Guinea!!!

As I get settled back, in I'm excited to get back to work preparing to go to Papua New Guinea in January which is getting closer and closer every day. There is still so much to do between now and then. Right now I am working on my VISA paperwork. This can be a very stressful process but also a very exciting process because it means I am one step closer to leaving for PNG.

I have a very important update to share with you. After a lot of prayer, I have decided to change my time frame for how long I will be in PNG. I will be going for one year instead of two. I realized that going for two years was my own desire not God's. Even with this change, I know that whatever God has prepared for me in PNG, it will be an amazing year!!

This means that my financial goal changes somewhat. With the change right now I am at 55%. However to stay on track to reach my goal in time I need to be at 70% by the end of September. This might seem like a big gap in a very short amount of time, but with God nothing is impossible!!

What can you do to help me reach this goal? By becoming a monthly financial partner you will help me reach my goals even faster. Any amount you feel God leading you to give will help me get to Papua New Guinea so that I can help bring the Word of God to so many people in a language that speaks to their hearts.

You can head to the link below and sign up online or you can send in checks to the address below. If you decide to give, please let me know so I am aware of your desire to partner with me and can let me supervisor know as well who I can count on. Please contact me if you have any questions.

God Bless, Elizabeth

 All the things God taught me this summer!
 God's provision in the little things!!

 Opportunities to share about the ministry of Wycliffe.
 As I continue the Visa processes, for all the details to come together.
 That I will continue to grow in my relationship with God and that I will be aware of what He is trying to teach me.

Contact Me:
Elizabeth Lord
P.O. Box 848
Murray, KY 42071
Phone: 605.521.5828


Join Me:

Partner Online:

Please make checks payable to Wycliffe Bible Translators. Include a separate note that states, “For the ministry of Elizabeth Lord, Account#279700” Mail to address below.

Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862-8200

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