
Friday, September 14, 2012

Enrichment Journal: How Breakout Churches Unleash The Laity

The church I served as pastor several years ago was experiencing excellent growth. We received a few rewards for our pace of growth and, from my perspective, most everything was fine. However, my smug satisfaction would soon come to an end.

At the end of my third year in the church, I looked at the number of persons who had joined the church. Some were Christians; others had been reached from the world of the lost and unchurched.

I added the 3-year total of additions. I followed that brief exercise by looking at the increase in attendance over the same period. Suddenly the picture was not nearly as pretty as I had first painted. Our attendance had increased by only one-third the number of new members added over the past 3 years. Somehow nearly two of the three new members were absent every worship service. What was wrong?

This wake-up call led me to review the name of every new member for 3 years. It did not take me long to solve the enigma. Those new members who had become involved in ministry were still active 3 years later. Those who attended the services with little other involvement were quickly falling into the cracks of apathy and attrition.

In just a few moments the cognitive acceptance to unleash the laity became an emotional reality. I had preached, taught, and, at times, pleaded with members to get involved in the ministries of the church. But those times of exhortation were sporadic, with little planning or foresight. Now that I had a crisis on my hands, I became much more intentional about leading my church to unleash the laity. Read more

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