
Friday, September 07, 2012

Enrichment Journal: Rural Compassion for the Harvest — Small Towns, Big Possibilities

Rick Rusaw and Eric Swanson, authors of The Externally Focused Church, state, “If your church vanished, would your community weep? Would anyone notice? Would anyone care?”

When people in your community face challenges, does your church immediately come to their minds? Is your church showing God’s mercy, giving people what they need?

For the pastor in the smaller community, Rusaw and Swanson believe, “The question, ‘How big is our church?’ should be replaced with ‘How big is the impact our church is making in our community?”1

Nearly 50 million Americans live in nonmetropolitan areas. Using the federal government’s definition of rural, 49 percent of Assemblies of God churches are in the open country, village, and small town category. Pastors and churches in these communities have a tremendous opportunity to reach their communities through compassion ministry. Read more

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