
Friday, September 14, 2012

Facebook, others, urged to allow free speech

Media giants such as Facebook, Google and Apple should voluntarily abide by the First Amendment's free speech requirement and fulfill their role as "gatekeepers to new web-based communications platforms," according to a new proposal from the National Religious Broadcasters.

NRB presented its proposal Wednesday (Sept. 12), underscoring its concern that new media companies have stifled religious free speech. NRB offered the recommendation in a new document, "Free Speech Charter for the Internet," made public at a Washington, D.C., news conference.

"We are calling on the better angels of their nature to come up out of the shadows to dialogue with us and others about solving this problem because it will increase, I believe, not decrease," said Craig Parshall, NRB senior vice president and general counsel, as well as director of the association's John Milton Project.

Though media corporations are privately owned and have the property rights to their own devices, they do not have the right to demand individual users change their view or content upon condition of being published, NRB said. Read more

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