
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How to Lead Someone to Christ

The Bible asks us to believe—to appropriate Christ's finished work on the cross by trusting Him alone to save us.

A woman seeking a divorce went before the judge. He asked, "On what grounds do you want a divorce?" She replied, "My husband and I own an acre and a half of ground. I'd like the divorce to cover the whole thing." The judge said, "No, you don't understand. I mean, do you have a grudge?" She said, "Yes, we have a two-car one. He keeps his car on the left, and I keep mine on the right." The judge asked, "No, what I mean is, does he ever beat you up?" The woman replied, "No, I'm up at least an hour before him every morning. Not once has he ever beat me up." The judge in desperation exclaimed, "I don't understand. What is the reason you want a divorce?" She said, "I don't understand it either. He says that I can't communicate."

Word choice is important to communication. Well-intentioned believers want to communicate the need to come to Christ and be saved. To do that, especially with children, they beg non-Christians to "invite Jesus into your heart."

There's a problem, though. That phrase isn't found in the Bible.

Only one verse could be considered to support such wording. Let's examine it in context. Read more

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