
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Muslim Students Enrolling at Catholic Universities at Highest Rate Ever

Muslim families are sending their children to Catholic colleges in record numbers, new reports state. One reason could be the level of acceptance provided by fellow religious students, while another could be strict adherence to religious tenets.

"Here, people are more religious, even if they're not Muslim, and I am comfortable with that," Mai Alhamad told The New York Times. She is a practicing Muslim who chose to enroll at the University of Dayton, which is a Roman Catholic school.

"I like the fact that there's faith, even if it's not my faith, and I feel my faith is respected," added Maha Haroon, who is a student at Creighton University. "I don't have to leave my faith at home when I come to school. Read more

Read also:
Muslim students opt for “more religious” Catholic universities

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