
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Seven Updated Trends on Megachurches in America

This article is not the first time I have written about megachurches; it likely won't be the last. We should all readily acknowledge that there is not a specific size church that God blesses more than others. God is doing a great work in many small, medium, large, and mega-size churches.

The fascination with megachurches is, at least to some extent, related to the sociological impact on the community in which it resides. Outreach magazine, in partnership with LifeWay Research, just released its annual "Largest and Fastest Growing Churches in America" issue. In addition, the magazine includes a fascinating section devoted to megachurches. I have used some of the information throughout this issue in this blog.

Some of the major trends in megachurches I note were mentioned in the past. But others are new. All are fascinating to study and ponder. Read more

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