
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The scourge of Muslim terror is growing with the rise in followers

WHEN Victoria Police announced a series of raids of properties across Melbourne last week and the discovery of extremist terror-related documents, I imagine few thought of Buddhists.

Like most religions, Buddhist and terror don't go hand in hand. Neither does Catholic and terror, or Baha'i and terror, Taoism and terror, Confucianism and terror, Lutheran and terror, Shinto and terror, Hinduism and terror, Mormon and terror, or Anglican and terror.

What does fit together so regularly and almost automatically - like a hand in a glove - is Muslim and terror.

A search of the Herald Sun library over the past year for stories containing the words Buddhist and terror threw up two entries, neither to do with Buddhist terrorists.

The same search for the words Muslim and terror resulted in 44 entries - depressing reports of bombs, killings and plans for mass murder of Australians. Take the search back two years and 100 reports pop up.

Yet there are more Buddhists in Australia than Muslims. Last year's national census counted 528,997 Buddhists and 476,291 Muslims.

But Muslims make much more news; disproportionately so, and much of it very bad indeed. It worries those of us prepared to live in peace with all religions and races. You can only hope it disturbs those Muslims who wish for the same. Read more

Read also:
Muslims Misbehaving

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