
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Vatican Newspaper: 'Jesus Wife' Document a Fake

A Vatican City newspaper has claimed that a controversial ancient document that alludes to Jesus possibly being married is a fabrication.

L'Osservatore Romano ran an article by Alberto Camplani, a leading scholar on Coptic documents, who said that the Coptic papyrus recently unveiled as saying Jesus was married is a fake.

"In spite of the drift in the media marked by tones which are quick to shock, unlike so many other items presented at the conference, the papyrus was not discovered in the process of excavation but came from an antiquarian market," wrote Camplani.

"Such an object demands that numerous precautions be taken to establish its reliability and exclude the possibility of forgery."

Camplani and Giovanni Maria Vian, editor at L'Osservatore who wrote an accompanying editorial column, both cited scholars who doubted the authenticity of the papyrus document.

"At any rate, a fake," wrote Vian, who in addition to being editor also has expertise in early Christian history. Read more

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