
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

4 Reasons Your Church Needs Coaches

My son, Matthew, began playing football at a young age. He was doing ok and getting in the games but it was not until he had the right coach that he excelled. As a senior he dominated defensive linemen and I have very vivid memories of him opening up gaping holes for their running backs. He got all kinds of honors and was recruited by several colleges. He has often commented on that coach who believed in him, built a relationship with him, and pulled skills out of him he thought were there but wasn’t sure. Yes, he had the size and skill but the game changer was a coach who invested time and energy into him.

This principle can easily be seen in sports but it is even more important in the local church. There are many people who want to serve and believe they can be used of God but they need someone to invest their time and energy in them. A good coach can be one of the most important high impact volunteer leaders in your ministry. Think of all the examples we have in the New Testament alone. Paul poured into Aquila and Priscilla and then they poured into Apollos. That must have been pretty intimidating because he was such a gifted speaker but he needed to be coached on his content!  Read more

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