
Tuesday, October 09, 2012

As Protestants decline, those with no religion gain

"Protestant" is no longer America's top religious umbrella brand. It's been rained out by the soaring number of 'Nones' -- people who claim no faith affiliation.

For decades, if not centuries, America's top religious brand has been "Protestant." No more.

In the 1960s, two in three Americans called themselves Protestant. Now the Protestant group -- both evangelical and mainline -- has slid below the statistical waters, down to 48%, from 53% in 2007.

Where did they go? Nowhere, actually. They didn't switch to a new religious brand, they just let go of any faith affiliation or label. Read more

Read also:
Americans Losing Faith: 1 in 5 Have No Religion, Atheism on the Rise

1 comment:

  1. Whatever happened to Chuck Murphy's goal of "reaching" all those un-churched? Or, better still, Bob Duncan's?
