
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Don't panic amid rise of 'nones,' leaders say

Headlines proclaiming the loss of the Protestant majority in the United States should not cause panic among evangelicals but should motivate them to articulate the Gospel and live as followers of Christ, Southern Baptist leaders said.

The percentage of Americans who are not affiliated with any particular religion -- dubbed the "nones" -- rose to 20 percent in the latest analysis by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life, compared to 15 percent five years ago.

Moreover, one-third of Americans under age 30 are religiously unaffiliated, Pew said Oct. 9, and the percentage of Americans who self-identify as Protestants dropped from 53 percent to 48 percent. Read more

Read also:
Dramatic Increase in Religiously Unaffiliated as Protestants Lose Majority Status
“Nones” on the Rise - full report of Pew Research Center poll
Meet John Q. Nones: A profile of the fast-growing religiously unaffiliated

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