
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Eight Terrible Church Visits

When I led a church consultation company, one of the more common facets of my consultation was an on-site visit to a worship service. The person I hired to conduct the visit could know nothing about the church. Ideally this "mystery guest" would be an unchurched person, so that he or she could give an honest assessment from the perspective of someone who knows little about churches.

I requested that the mystery guest evaluate different areas of the visit, but I was always most interested in the overall score. They submitted a score of one to seven. The lowest score meant that the visit was terrible, and they would not return under any circumstances. I recently retrieved some of these "one" reports. Inevitably there was one event that took place that made the visit so bad. Let me share eight of those events in eight different terrible church visits. Read more

Read also:
10 Statements Church Visitors Never Want to Hear

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