
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Enrichment Journal: Helping Churches Rediscover Their Mission

How hard can it be to locate the Assemblies of God church in a town of less than a 1,000? I pulled into the quick service market to ask directions, but the proprietor could not recall the church’s existence although he was a longtime resident. I later discovered his business was less than one block from the church — which was marked with a clear sign and fronted the same street.

Do your church’s neighbors filter out your message — and perhaps your existence — because of your presumed irrelevance to their lives?

Leaders who recognize this trend want to change their churches, but often fail to recognize that change starts first in them. W. Edward Deming said, “Nothing happens without personal transformation.”

The mission discovery process for your church begins in the life of the church’s leadership. Until leaders have a passion for what God wants to do through them in their community, rarely will leaders transform their church. It starts with leaders who are being missional. Read more

Español: Ayudando a las iglesias a redescubrir su misión

Read also:
Comeback Imagination — Envisioning New Life
Español: Imagine un avivamiento, imagine nueva vida

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