
Friday, October 19, 2012

'Evangelical' Is the Most Abused Term in Religious Lexicon, Says Ministry Leader

The term "evangelical" is likely the most abused term in the entire religious lexicon, says one Christian leader.

Phil Johnson, executive director of Grace to You, which is led by Pastor John MacArthur, believes "evangelical" has been so abused that he wonders whether its original meaning can ever be recovered.

"These days it's been redefined in sociological terms, political terms; everybody seems to have their own concept of what it means," he said on the "Janet Mefferd Show" this week. Read more
The term "evangelical" is widely misinterpreted, misrepresented, and misunderstood in the Anglican Church in North America. This is traceable to the prevalence of Anglo-Catholicism and "three streams, one river" ideology in the ACNA, the widespread ignorance and neglect of, and even contempt for, the Anglican formularies, and a lack of familiarity with classical Anglican evangelicalism.

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