
Friday, October 05, 2012

How Church Discipline Can Be Like Doctor Shopping

Law enforcement officials use the term "doctor shopping" to refer to the way those addicted to prescription pain medications seek to avert accountability. If you go to your doctor to ask for Vicodin, and your physician refuses to prescribe it, you are doctor shopping if you then seek out multiple doctors until you find the one who will prescribe the Vicodin. Sometimes an addict will have multiple doctors going at once, all prescribing different medicines, often those that are dangerous to mix. I've noticed the same thing going on when it comes to church accountability.

The truth is, there's a certain type of personality that doesn't want accountability, but affirmation. If one wants to divorce someone one shouldn't divorce or marry someone one shouldn't marry or do something one shouldn't do, he seeks out a pastor's "accountability." When the pastor tells him the opposite of what he wants to hear, he leaves and goes to find a pastor or counselor who will. And this goes on and on.

This isn't being shepherded. It's the same old autonomy of the self, that first manifests itself in the life-cycle of a child saying, "But Dad said it was okay…" except now grown up into something with a far more malevolent motive and a far more dangerous outcome. Read more

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