
Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Mission: Least reached 'may be your neighbour'

Photo: CC-BY-SA-3.0/Matt H. Wade at Wikipedia

The US is the biggest missionary sending country, but one mission leader says Christians don't need a passport to reach the unreached.

The latest edition of The Mission Society's "Unfinished" magazine identifies the US as one of the fastest-growing mission fields in the world.

For churches "willing to embrace new thinking", the society says, there are outreach opportunities abound on their own doorstep.

President of the US-based Mission Society, Dick McClain, says: "Acts 1:8 calls us to take the gospel to the ends of the earth while not neglecting 'Jerusalem', our mission field at home.

"Whether you live in Louisville, Kentucky, or Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, it is incumbent on Christian disciples to identify and then reach out to those who have had the least exposure to the gospel. The least-reached people may very well be your neighbour." Read more

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