
Friday, October 05, 2012

Ordinariate Watch: Former York Minster Canon Chancellor defects to Rome

Dr Edward Norman, the historian and former Canon Chancellor of York Minister, will be received into the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham on Sunday.

In an article for this newspaper, Dr Norman explains the reasons for his decision to become a Catholic.

He argues that Anglicanism has “no basis for its authority” as its confession “varies from place to place and person to person”. He says: “At the centre of Anglicanism is a great void.” Read more
Dr. Norman's article is available only to subscribers of the Catholic Herald. What Dr. Norman fails to point out in his article is that the Anglo-Catholic movement played a substantial role in the undermining of the basis of Anglican authority--the Scriptures and the Anglican formularies--in the Anglican Church in the nineteenth and twentieth century in its efforts to return the church to the Roman fold. 


  1. Somewhat remarkable that a person holding such a disdain for the Church of England should have held such a high post in that Church! It illustrates how deeply entrenched this Fifth Column really is.

  2. The fruits of ecumenism with Rome. And either he was faithless, or overwhelmed by the postmodern absurdity, abstracion, and deconstruction that he thought like many post Counterculture individuals. That since the death of history, tradition and reason, the Catholics deceptively represent an affinity that is otherwise void to the revisionist.
