
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Save Me Jesus

Could it really be that simple? Are the words "Save Me Jesus" enough to connect you to God and save your soul for eternity? Yes and no. "Yes"....if you mean it....and keep living everyday with that of humility before God and a living relationship with the Lord.

"No"....if it was just a one-time prayer from your past that is not being carried over to this day. A Christian is someone who depends upon Jesus everyday for His forgiveness....and seeks to live everyday for Christ. A believer is never content to be living in disobedience. There is a restlessness that comes to anyone who is born again and yet is giving into temptation and sin. The "gears" of the soul don't work in the life of a Christian who is deliberately disobeying the One he asked to save him earlier in life.

If you want to be miserable forever, reject Jesus Christ and enter eternity without His forgiveness. If you want to be miserable in this life, accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and then live in deliberate sin....and see how that works for you. There is only one thing worse than being miserable as a Christian because of intentional sin....and that is....not being miserable in your sin because you are not saved and don't have the Holy Spirit inside of you. That is worse because of the ultimate consequences. That is worse because you don't even see the train that is headed straight toward you as you play with your soul on the tracks of eternity. Read more

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