
Monday, October 08, 2012

Ten Things Pastors Don't Like About Pastoring

The expectations of a pastor are endless. Many members expect them to be omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. But different pastors are wired differently. One pastor may get great fulfillment out of counseling, while another dreads every minute of it.

So I did an informal and unscientific survey of pastors. I asked them a simple question: "What do you like least about being a pastor?" The question was opened-ended and they could give more than one response.

I learned two things from this survey. First, pastors can have strong opinions about what they don't like. Second, pastors are really different. The responses were wide-ranged and often in opposition to each other.

So here are the top ten things pastors don't like about pastoring. I've listed them in reverse order. I then follow each dislike with a comment from a representative pastor. Read more

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