
Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Holocaust Happening Right Under Our Noses

Photo: Vonath Chandar
In some countries, hearing “It’s a girl” is no cause for celebration--it's a death sentence. A new film captures global gendercide

A burial mound in Tamil Nadu, India, holds the bodies of eight infant girls. Each of them was strangled at birth by their mother, who desperately wanted a son—so much so that she was willing to kill until she finally got one.

“Why keep girls when keeping them would be difficult?” the mother asks plainly.

Like a punch in the face, this is the opening scene of It’s a Girl, a new documentary about a modern-day holocaust happening right under our noses. Shot on location in India and China by Shadowline Films, the hour-long film tells the stories of abandoned and trafficked girls, of brave mothers fighting to save their daughters’ lives, and even of mothers who would kill for a son.  Read more

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