
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

You Are What You Speak

I have a grandson who is three years old. He recently got a hold of a sheet of paper that had pictures of me on it, and he decorated it with all sorts of colorful stickers. When he came over to my house to surprise me with it, I couldn't help but notice that in just about every picture, there was a sticker over my mouth. I thought: Well, God, are You trying to tell me something?

It actually made me pay attention to the way I was talking. And that's something we all should do from time to time, because there is no area that's harder to control than the mouth. It's an area in which we will always be growing.

The Bible says that no man can tame the tongue (see James 3:8). But that doesn't mean we can never improve. God is able to do the work that needs to be done in us, but we need to partner with Him to bring the change we want to see.

I want to share with you how our words impact the anointing―that is, the power and presence of God in our life. The power of God is the most precious thing we have, and it's something we need to know how to protect. Read more

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