
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Called to Preach as a Pastor? What Now? Part 1: The Call

When I was 19 years old I became a Christian. I left home at 17. After two years on my own, my worldview changed immensely. I was not in college. I was not dependent on my parents. I had to find my own way. I felt free, yet directionless. Why I began to seek God at this time I did not know. But I did. At 19, I surrendered to Jesus. Today I am a 49 and have been a pastor for 16 years. How did I get here? How does someone become a pastor?

God calls whom He will. That is the short answer. There is no ideal pedigree for becoming a pastor. He picks preachers’ kids and pimps. You can be raised in a devout Christian home or, like me, a mostly religion-neutral home. You can be raised by chimps. God chooses whom He will and it is by His own calculations.

What does this mean? First it means, no one is called because he is impressive. It also means, the call to being a shepherd in God’s flock (and specifically a preaching pastor), is not a vocation that is open to anyone who wants it. God must choose. Read more

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