
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Women bishops: A lesson from Joseph

How should we respond when we find ourselves in a painful situation that we just cannot understand?

I do hope my Anglican brothers and sisters do not behave like spoiled children in the aftermath of the Church of England General Synod’s decision to reject the ordination of female bishops.

I fear this is a possibility though, given the depth of their despair and the sense of frustration they are clearly feeling. But it would be wrong to challenge the outcome on the basis of the rules. The debate was conducted under those rules and the Church needs to move forward with a sense of charity and purpose despite the clamours of the secular press and suggestions that Parliament should intervene.

This is not a matter of equality and the appointment of bishops should never be seen as a case of job promotion whether for “the boys” or “the girls”. Many of those who have difficulties with female leadership are so persuaded because of serious theological issues and their consciences need to be respected, not to mention their stated desire to see their needs met in any future settlement. Read more

Read also:
Church has ‘lost credibility’ over women bishops
Evangelicals split over women bishops vote
A Prayer for these Difficult Times

Church Society and the Together4ward campaign today published a prayer, for use by Anglicans in the wake of the General Synod vote on Tuesday. It encouraged individuals and churches of all persuasions to use the prayer as a "collect" during these difficult times, as we reflect on where God may be leading us as a denomination and pray for his guidance.

Almighty and everlasting God, ruler of all things in heaven and on earth, mercifully hear the prayers of your people. In the wake of the vote in General Synod, grant comfort to those who are sorrowful, rest to those who are weary, and clarity to those who are confused. Give to each of us, heavenly Father, a heartfelt repentance for our sins, a renewed spirit of grace and love towards our Christian brothers and sisters, and a shared commitment to seek your will, revealed in your holy Word. Above all, gracious Lord, help us fix our hearts where true joys are to be found, in Jesus Christ our Saviour, who died for us and rose again, for we ask all these things in his name, Amen.

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