
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Church of England: Defeat for women bishops legislation

There were tears in the Church of England’s General Synod today after legislation to allow women into the episcopate was voted down.

The draft Measure was passed in the House of Bishops and House of Clergy but failed to meet the required two-thirds majority in the House of Laity.

The result means that the legislation in its current form can proceed no further.

It sets the entire process to consecrate women bishops back years as new legislation must now be drawn up from scratch.

Traditionalists repeatedly told Synod that the current provision for them was not generous enough and that they needed more time to reach a better compromise. Read more

Read also:
Church of England Rejects Women Bishops in Crucial Vote
Church of England general synod votes against women bishops
Church gives women bishops the thumbs down - again
Church of England REJECTS new law to allow women bishops
Church of England General Synod votes against women bishops despite late plea from next Archbishop of Canterbury
Women bishops: the Anglican Church is paralysed by its conflicting obsessions of equality and consensus
And more articles

1 comment:

  1. Yes!
