
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Church Society: We oppose women bishops because the Bible tells us to

The Church of England will almost certainly have women bishops and, despite our theological disagreement, traditionalists such as ourselves have accepted that.

The vote in Synod on November 20th was about how women bishops are going to be introduced, not whether. And the reason why the legislation ultimately didn't get through was that it had been hijacked by a minority who don't see any legitimate room in the Church of England for traditionalists like us at all.

We praise God that the majority are just too nice for that, and graciously extended an arm of love to those of us who believe it's right to remain steadfast to the faith as we've received it. However, when we turn on our TVs it seems a vocal minority, the press, and politicians who've had no interest in the church up until now are pushing for us to be banished from the church that we have for years called home'.

Before the vote we appealed on YouTube for us to take the rancour out of this debate. The church is a family after all. However, now we're being asked to write articles on why we should still be included in this family. Here’s three reasons. Read more

Read also:
Joint Press Statement From The Chairmen Of The Catholic Group And Reform
Lay Synod members ‘for’ women bishops explain voting against the Measure

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