
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Faith Isn't Needed to Recognize Biblical Authority

What if I were to tell you that human reason, common sense, and an understanding of mathematics are all that are needed to recognize the authority of the Bible? Not faith....but common sense and rational evidence. Would that surprise you?

And yes....I am talking about recognizing this remarkable declaration: "All Scripture is God-breathed." (2 Timothy 3:16) This is a fact....and while part of your soul will resist it, your mind can come to initially recognize this reality based on historical evidence and mathematical certainty.

I am not talking about believing in Jesus as your Savior. That phenomenon does require faith. I am not talking about believing in heaven and hell. That too requires faith. I am only talking about knowing the rational facts and having the sense to recognize the authority of the Bible given its supernatural attributes. What if I were to tell you that human reason, common sense, and an understanding of mathematics are all that are needed to recognize the authority of the Bible? Not faith....but common sense and rational evidence. Would that surprise you? Read more

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