
Thursday, November 01, 2012

Fast for Nigeria

National week of fast and prayer set for Nov 7

Archbishop Nicholas Okoh has issued a call that on 7 Nov 2012 Christians fast and pray for a week, seeking divine intervention in aid of Nigeria.

Speaking at a press conference on 31 Oct 2012 in Abuja publicizing the Church of Nigeria’s second Divine Commonwealth Conference at the National Christian Centre in Abuja, the Primate of All Nigeria – Archbishop Okoh – told reporters prayer should be the first response in the battle against terrorism.

"We know that human beings have their part to play, but no matter what we do, except the Lord build the house, the labourers are working in vain,” he said according to the Vanguard newspaper.

"This is why the prayer is very vital. We are not saying those who are given the responsibilities in government should not do it." Read more

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