
Friday, November 16, 2012

In Canada, a 'watershed' religious freedom win

A "watershed case" regarding freedom of expression on the subject of homosexuality was handed down in Canada this fall, giving hope to religious liberty advocates in the United States who say the ruling could impact future U.S. decisions.

"Matters of morality, including the perceived morality of certain types of sexual behavior, are topics for discussion in the public forum. Freedom of speech does not just protect polite speech," Alberta Appeals Court Justice Clifton O'Brien wrote in the ruling.

The case, which played out in the courts for a decade, involved Canadian pastor Stephen Boissoin, who wrote letters to the editor of his local newspaper expressing his religious views on homosexuality and his concern that the behavior was being promoted in public schools. Read more

Read also:
Christian Wins Court Battle After Being Demoted Over Gay Marriage Comments

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