
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Mark Driscoll: 'Twilight' Is for Girls What Porn Is to Boys

Author and outspoken pastor Mark Driscoll says he wants to make it clear that movies such as "Twilight," which opened this weekend, are something Christians should not treat as harmless entertainment and, in fact, have inspired some real-life demonic trends.

Subtitled in his blog, "A Father's Fright of Twilight," Driscoll states, "Twilight is for teenage girls what porn is to teenage boys: sick, twisted, evil, dangerous, deceptive, and popular."

While millions of movie-goers attending the final installment of the teen vampire series are expected to bring in high numbers at the box office, he warns that many mothers have joined daughters in their obsession over the dark plot and characters. Read more
I am personally aware of at least one young woman who became fascinated with the occult world and witchcraft after seeing the Twilight movies, reading the Twilight novels, and attending Twilight conventions.

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